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Instead of summer activities, some mountain resorts are getting snow

Tamarack told KTVB there was about four to six inches of snow on the upper slopes, forcing them to shut down any activities on the mountain.

IDAHO, USA — Some unexpected snow in the higher elevations has affected some of the summer operations for the local ski resorts. Normally during this time of year people are mountain biking and hiking the trails, but due to some unexpected snow they had to shut down the mountain and summer activities for the time being. 

The official opening for a full week of summer activities at Tamarack was last Friday. There's also ziplines and other summer fun on the lake. However, as of this morning, the Vice President of Mountain Operations for Tamarack told KTVB there was around 4 to 6 inches of snow on the upper slopes, forcing them to shut down any activities on the mountain.

Tamarack added that they expect to get bikers back on those trails in plenty of time for the Northwest Cup Mountain Biking Race that the resort is hosting this upcoming weekend.

Austin Hemperley, who traveled here from Oregon to compete in the race, arrived at Tamarack this past weekend to get a feel for the trails but the snow has cut into some of his training time.

“We can’t really affect the weather and it seems like every time there’s a mountain bike race it either rains or snows or something come in so a big part of being in the sport that we do we just run with it so it going to obviously slow down practice and make it more slippery," he said. "Yesterday we got a taste of the rain up top, and the granite is really slick. The dirt tracks out the rocks and sliding down the rocks and were trying to make the lines work out and doing the best we can.”

KTVB also spoke with Brundage Mountain Resort, and they said that this storm won’t affect their summer activities due to the fact that they are only open on the weekends for now and they expect everything to even out in the warmer months.

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